Friday, August 17, 2012

It Has Been a Long Week - Humor

There is nothing like an insurance screw up to make for a long week or even a long month. At the end of July, my doctor sent in a prescription for Synvisc (artificial synovial fluid that gets injected in the knee for osteoarthritis) to the pharmacy. The pharmacy sent the script to the specialty pharmacy. Sounds simple, but it isn't. Somewhere along the line something went wrong ; all this time the wrong pharmacy and specialty pharmacy have been involved. I didn't find this out until yesterday. It took a conference call between the doctor's office, the insurance company, two pharmacies, a specialty pharmacy, myself, and a partridge and a pear tree to get things figured out. Long story short, everything is now fixed but I won't get my injection until the end of the month and I fele like:


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