My Diagnoses Presented in a Unique Way

In little more than a month, I'll be 52. When I see a new doctor and they ask for my past medical history, meaning what diagnoses have I been given, I start to laugh. They always wonder what is wrong with me. I tell them I have to go through the alphabet to help to JUST try to remember them all. And I ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, forget one or two of them along the way. Usually, the good doctor shakes their head in disbelief until I start. Today, I thought I'd let you in on what I'm dealing with on a daily basis just for the heck of it. Only because I'm in a creative mood, I will try to do this in the form of poetry. Forgive me for this, dear reader...

In little more than a month, I'll be 52. When I see a new doctor and they ask for my past medical history, meaning what diagnoses have I been given, I start to laugh. They always wonder what is wrong with me. I tell them I have to go through the alphabet to help to JUST try to remember them all. And I ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, forget one or two of them along the way. Usually, the good doctor shakes their head in disbelief until I start. Today, I thought I'd let you in on what I'm dealing with on a daily basis just for the heck of it. Only because I'm in a creative mood, I will try to do this in the form of poetry. Forgive me for this, dear reader...

A - Is for Allergies with them I do sneeze; it is for Anxiety my life's not a breeze. It is also for Asthma that causes a wheeze.
B - Is for Bronchitis, I get it a lot; going out in public takes much careful thought.
C - Is for Chronic Migraine; more than a pain in the head; with its additional complication I might end up dead.
D - Is for Degenerative Joint DiseaseDepression, and Diabetes too; I have more disease than these I've just start its true.
E - Is for Endometriosis a troublesome thing, but considering the rest of my problems it’s a very small thing. 
F - Is for Fibromyalgia; multiple points of pain; it is sometimes is so bad drives me insane! 
G - Is for Gastro esophageal Reflux Disease or GERD, which is a cute little blurb. It means your esophagus is being dissolved by refluxed acid. Now isn't that absurd.
H- Is for Hypertension, which means my blood pressures up; if I'd stop and think of all that is wrong I'd want to give up.
I - is for Insomnia at times I can't sleep a wink, pain that keeps me up and leave me to think.
J - Is for Joy. I can skip J and K but...
L - is for Lyme disease; I had in the past. Unfortunately, some of the joint pain stay on and still lasts.
M - Is for Myositis, meaning more inflammation and pain. The pain's pattern is random thus is its aim.
N - Is for Neuropathy. It is a gift from the past; it is an after effect of Shingles that can last and last
O - Is for Osteoarthritis. It has attack my knees
P - Is for PTSD
Q - is for quiet; I think the letters smell fear. I have no disease for this letter but if "Q" hears this I'm certain that it is something we both will hear.
R - Is for Rheumatoid Arthritis
S - Is for Sinusitis and Sjogrens Syndrome
T and U - are open. I have no diseases for these. I pray these stay that way, "Oh Lord, pretty please".
V – Is for Vitamin D Deficiency
W, X, Y, and Z - I'm now done with the alphabet and I've got nothing for these.

I've reached the end of this. And as you can see it is unfinished. The rhyme for O, P. R, S are incomplete and at some point. I will finish them. When I got close to the end, believe it or not I thought of some diseases that I left out. Such is life. So if anyone has wondered what all is wrong with me, this is a close summary. If you have ideas on how to finish the rhymes or make any of them better I'm open to suggestions. I just wanted to finally get this up.

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